June 1991: Pinatubo (Phillipines)

Plinian eruption
Number of victims: 900 to 1000 people
Major destruction over the entire volcano area and evacuation of many people
Caused a worldwide “volcanic winter”

May 18, 1980: Mount Saint Helens (Washington, USA)

Blast eruption with major flank collapse
Death toll: 57 people
Major destruction over the entire volcano area

May 8, 1902: Mount Pelee (Martinique, France)

Pelee eruption with high explosiveness of an andesitic lava dome
Number of victims: 27,000 people
Almost total destruction of the city of Saint-Pierre

27 August 1883: Krakatoa (Indonesia)

Plinian eruption with tsunami
Number of victims: 36,400 people

April 1815: Tambora (Indonesia)

Plinian eruption with tsunami
Death toll: 61,000 to 71,000 people

24 August 79: Vesuvius (Italy)

Plinian eruption
Death toll: 30,000 people
Complete destruction of the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum

Seventeenth and sixteenth century BC: Santorini (Greece)

Plinian eruption with tsunami
Number of victims: unknown
Almost complete destruction of the island
Possibly the origin of the myth of Atlantis and its disappearance

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