
Native element - Metalloids

Formule chimique : C
Système cristallin : Hexagonal
Etymologie : From the Greek Graphein which means "to write".
Dureté : 1 – 2
Densité : 2.1 – 2.3
Propriétés physiques : Metallic sheen. Black or steel-grey colour. Opaque. Brittle. Oily feel. Interfoliar cleavage (0001) very easy.
Propriétés chimiques : acid-proof and infusible.
Formule chimique : C
Habitus : Rarely in automorphic crystals. Most often in leafy or fibrous masses. Polymorph of diamond.
Gîtologie : Graphite is a primary mineral of acidic eruptive rocks and rocks characterised by formation in a reducing environment.
Determination : Can be confused with molybdenite, but the graphite trace is black.
Utilisation : Graphite is widely used in industry as a paint lubricant and in the nuclear field.

Graphite is found in Finland (Ersby and Stargard), the USA (New York and New Jersey), Canada (Ontario), Russia (Irkutsk) and Madagascar.

In France, graphite is found in Sainte Marie aux Mines (Alsace) and La Villeder (Morbihan) as well as in the Pyrenees (Itsatson).

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